Waswanipi Aquatic Centre

The Chief and Council of the Cree First Nation of Waswanipi have a Vision Statement that speaks with confidence of “a sustainable and prosperous Nation within the global environment; it remains strong and healthy by preserving our Cree way of life”.

This statement shaped a collaborative community-led engagement strategy, and guided our approach to with stakeholders to create a place-based addition to the Waswanipi Community Health and Fitness Centre. New construction will add a 12,000 square foot aquatic centre to expand programs and services as well as promote the healthy lifestyles that are integral to a strong community.

Facilities will include a new, fully accessible swimming pool, leisure area with hydrotherapy bench and therapy jets, and water play features. Work will also incorporate renovations to existing fitness areas as well as improve the performance of the original building envelope.

This project is in collaboration with ARTCAD Architectes.


Cree First Nation of Waswanipi


Waswanipi, Quebec


12,000 sqft


Dan Roberts
Scott Robinson

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