EMS Multi-Purpose Facility

The County of Middlesex has completed a 45,000 square foot Emergency Medical Services facility that connects local communities to healthier outcomes. The new spaces for Middlesex-London EMS include administrative offices, logistics, and training, plus a working ambulance station. All are future ready and flexible environments that anticipate a continually evolving delivery of emergency and non-emergency services.

Driving the Conceptual Design of the Middlesex-London EMS Facility was the vision for a municipal building of superior quality that would proudly stands as an identifiable home for Middlesex County EMS. Middlesex-London EMS is a precedent for future development that sets the standard for how built form can enhance strong relationships between buildings, streets and open spaces. EMS’s decision to locate on Adelaide Street breathes new life into a light industrial neighbourhood in the south end of the City – an area where existing buildings contribute very little to the public realm. This project is also an example of a welcoming and transparent street presence that balances the need for a safe and secure facility.

The Middlesex-London EMS is also a home away from home for the EMS staff that spend much of their lives here. Comfort, human scale and civic pride were essential to making this a meaningful place for the individuals who provide for the personal safety of area residents. High touch warm materials such as stone and wood provide a timeless quality to the exterior and interior building elements, contributing to an elegant building expression that proudly displays EMS’s core values and mission. Complimentary modern materials such as glass and metal embody a well-crafted vision of the forward-looking Middlesex County EMS.

Sustainable features include:

  • Reduced storm water run-off
  • Water efficient landscaping
  • Reduced energy requirements through efficient building systems
  • Storage and collection areas for recycling
  • Recycled content in building materials
  • Regional materials
  • Rapidly renewable materials
  • Low V.O.C. emitting materials
  • Increased natural ventilation effectiveness
  • Superior indoor air quality performance

The EMS Multi-Purpose Facility project was awarded the “Building Award” in the 2019 City of London Urban Design Awards. 

Click here to see The London Free Press‘s feature of the EMS Multi-Purpose Facility!


The Corporation of the County of Middlesex


London, Ontario


45,000 gsf


Ryan Stirling
Scott Robinson

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